FAQ: What information does an email header provide? | Predictive Response

FAQ: What information does an email header provide?


The email header of a email that has been sent can provide the following information:

  • Return path is the bounce email inbox address managed by Predictive Response and will look like this – “Return-Path: <YourCompanyName@predictiveresponse.net>”.
  • If not using SPF, the sender information will be “From: Sender Name <YourCompanyName@predictiveresponse.net>”. This also depends on the Settings added in the Email Wizard.
  • If using SPF, the sender information will be “From: Sender Name < sendername@yourcompany.com>”. This also depends on the Settings added in the Email Wizard. Click here for more information on SPF.

If your members do not see a reference to your organization, they may delete the email without opening it. Also, depending on the spam protection in place could cause the email to go directly in the members spam folder – again without the member opening and reading your email.


