Web Server and Domain Changes | Predictive Response

Web Server and Domain Changes

checkbox Step 1: Add our tracking script to your website so that web visits are tracked. New installs only.

Information Important: This step may not be something that you can complete. If that is the case, forward the page to the appropriate party. This step allows Predictive to provide you with web click analytics and more.

checkbox Step 2. Setup Sender Policy Framework (SPF), DMARC and DKIM records to increase deliverability of your campaign emails.

Information Important: This step may not be something that you can complete. If that is the case, forward the page to the appropriate party. This step allows your sender name to display correctly in the recipient’s inbox and lessens that possibility of having your campaign email end up in their spa m folder.

checkbox Step 3. If you have not already done so, request a training or upgrade review session for all relevant parties.

We can help!

Click here if you wish to set a meeting for assistance with the installation/configuration of a Predictive application or a training session.
