Key Performance Indicators | Predictive Response

Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators

Important Important: This section displays statistics for the current edition in a scheduled campaign and aggregate numbers for drip and adaptive campaigns. Field Information is as follows:

 Click to Open Rate: This data displays using the following formula:

  • # links clicked/# emails opened
  • API Field Name is PAM_Click_To_Open_Rate__c

 Completed to Open Rate: This data displays using the following formula:

  • # members completed/# emails opened
  • API Field Name: PAM_Completion_To_Open_Rate__c

 Delivered Total: This data displays using the following formula:

  • # emails sent/# emails that bounced
  • API Field Name: PAM_Delivered__c

 Delivered Rate: This data displays using the following formula:

  • # emails sent/# emails that bounced
  • API Field Name: PAM_Delivery Rate__c