Why aren’t my links tracking? | Predictive Response
Why aren’t my links tracking?
You inserted a link to an image or text in your email, but no click throughs are displaying.
- If the link is to a page on your website, confirm that the Predictive tracking script has been added to the page AND that you have selected the Use Tracking option.
- If the link is to a page on a 3rd party website, confirm you have selected the Redirect option AND that a redirect URL is in your Predictive Admin setup.
- If you have confirmed one of the above is in place, look for special characters in your link. You need to look at the link in the sent email, as the special character may be part of the added parameters that are used to track the recipient’s click. For example, a campaign name of “My # One Email” does not work because the # sign is used as a character in HTML code.
Reference: For information on how to add links to a campaign email, click here.
Reference: For information on how to add the Predictive tracking script to your organization’s website, click here.
Reference: For information on how create your own redirect page, click here.